Advanced And Beginner Analytics Courses
Curated by Practicing Professors & Analytics Consultants.
Made for students looking to develop both hard and soft skills and land their next analytics job.

Develop Analytics Skills
Be more effective as an analyst by learning hard and soft skills.

Build A Killer Portfolio
Showcase your skillset and business acumen with a unique portfolio.

Hone Your Personal Brand
Communicate the impact you can make within the business world.
Available Courses

John David Ariansen, MBA
College Professor
John David has created 3 college courses that focus on teaching students analytics. In his analytics minor capstone course at Greensboro College he facilitates real world student consulting engagements.
Analytics Consultancy Founder
Analytics is a consulting agency that focuses on data governance, analytics implementation and helping businesses drive their strategy with data.
Podcast Host
John David hosts a weekly podcast where he interviews analytics experts to help the audience understand both hard skills and soft skills required to land their next analytics job.
What Our Students Have to Say

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Check Out Our Podcast
In Season 2 of the “How to Get an Analytics Job” podcast John David brought 15 Analytics Experts into the classroom(via zoom) to talk to his Analytics Minor Capstone class at Greensboro College.
Each week the Analytics Expert:
- Gave a Guest Lecture
- Conducted an Interactive Activity
- Answered a Q&A Segment