Survey Analytics Case Study Course
Uncover Insights In Survey Data
Key Concepts Covered in this Course
- Introduction To Survey Data Analysis
- Building Survey Data Visualizations
- Learn Fundamentals of Survey Creation
- Advanced Analysis in Tableau

John David Ariansen, MBA
Practicing Professor & Analytics Consultant
Course Overview
In this course you’ll get access to survey data. You’ll walk through analyzing the data, uncovering insights, and building out dashboards for your personal portfolio.
Very Detailed
I really enjoyed this course and how John David walked through how an analyst should look at sales detail with a detective’s eye.
Abe Diaz
Course Details


Course Description
In this course you will learn the basics of survey analytics. This includes the business acumen (how the business works) and how to identify the main KPIs. You’ll also be leveraging Tableau Public as the data visualization tool to help you uncover insights hidden in the dimensions of each KPI.
Through this course you’ll receive an overview of the fundamentals of Tableau. You’ll be creating visualizations and combining them into interactive dashboards. These dashboards are the infrastructure that decision makers in a business can use to uncover insights and make better, data-informed decisions.
Key Features
- Understand the business needs
- Identify the most important metrics
- Analyze survey data
- Add new dashboards to your portfolio
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